Bursting With Glee!

Bursting With Glee!

Product Details

Containing your excitement just isn't possible with this vase of flowers bursting with glee in your midst. Bright yellow lilies make a statement against an assortment of orange spray roses and carnations and purple statice inside of a ginger vase. This show-stopping flower arrangement of lilies and roses is a fall delight to display on that special someone's table.

Ginger Vase Foliage: Leather Leaf, Variegated Pittosporum , Orange Miniature Spray Roses , Yellow Lilies , Orange Carnations , Purple Statice , Solidago.

Bouquet Size

Make Your Gift Extra Special

Substitution & Delivery Policy

We cannot guarantee requests for a specific time of delivery.

To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florist may replace some stems in your arrangement for color or flower variety and vases may be substituted due to availability. Substitutions may be necessary due to availability or quality of an item and we reserve the right to change the design to enhance the arrangement with the freshest flowers we have available. We enjoy not being a cookie-cutter florist and we make each arrangement individually so there are never 2 of the same which makes your order unique!

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